

Garage Door Springs

Service technicians specializing in garage door repair, maintenance and more

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The growing population of Jersey Village, Texas is just fewer than 8,000 residents. Jersey Village is located northwest of Houston. For a small city there are quite a few attractions in the community like the Jersey Meadow Golf Course, iT’Z Family Food & Fun, and the Bella Nova Day Spa and Retreat. One of the great places to eat in Jersey Village is Coaches Sports Bar and Grill. Our Jersey Village Garage Door Springs team is highly trained and motivated to ensure the residents of this community get the best garage door repair service possible.Garage Door Springs

Broken Spring Repair Service

Our Broken Spring Repair Jersey Village team has years of experience in the field of garage door repair. They know how to approach garage door springs with safety in mind. Garage door springs have to be wound to industry specific specs as it pertains to the garage door in question. The garage door has to be weighed and then the proper spring will have been wound to the specs necessary to balance a door of that size. Our professional garage door repair techs understand that lack of experience and skill could lead to a problem when installing, replacing or repairing a garage door spring. There have been instances in the past where people were injured and even killed while working on garage door springs.

There are two types of garage door springs and our professionals keep both of them in stock at all times. The two garage door springs are the:

  •     Torsion Spring – This spring is mounted on the inside of the garage above the garage door. The torsion spring is typically utilized for heavier garage doors. This spring can be the most dangerous if not worked on by a professional. The torsion spring can come standard or galvanized.
  •     Extension Springs – Extension springs come in a pair just like your car breaks. They are mounted on the inside of your garage to the left and to the right. If one of these springs goes bad; it is best to change both. The extension springs are normally used for light weight garage doors. They are designed to properly balance the door in the opening and closing process. These springs can come standard or galvanized.

Our Garage Door Repair Jersey Village team can work safely and efficiently on these garage door springs for you.

Broken Spring Replacement Service

Our Jersey Village Broken Spring Replacement Service is designed to ensure a new garage door spring is installed when the old one could not be repaired. Our professionals carry a variety of garage door springs just for these situations. We always do our best to fix garage door spring, but once in a while replacement is the better option. Whether we have to replace torsion spring or extension springs you can rest assured we will do everything possible to make sure you get garage door springs service that exceeds your expectations.

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